Artists: Annika Berglund, Miriam McConnon, Eoin Mac Lochlainn, Kelly Ratchford, David Fox, Nickie Hayden, Mary A Fitzgerald, Vicky Smith and many invited artists such as Jaki Coffey, Cecilia Moore, Mary Moorkens, Sorca O'Farrell, Maggie Wright, Leila Pedersen, Padhraig Nolan, Myra Jago, Joe Dunne (RHA), Desmond Kenny, Bart O’Reilly, Colin Eaton, Alan Keane, Luca Mc Aleese and Mo Roantree.
Joe Dunne, After Giovanni Bellini (Young Woman at her Toilette 1515), oil on canvas, 15x15cm (private collection)
Joe Dunne (RHA), After Tiziano Vecellio (Woman with a Mirror 1515), egg/oil tempera on paper mounted on canvas, 15x15cm (private collection)
Eoin Mac Lochlainn, Tambora 1, charcoal and wash on canvas, 15x15cm
Eoin Mac Lochlainn, Tambora 2, charcoal and wash on canvas, 15x15cm
Eoin Mac Lochlainn, Tambora 3, charcoal and wash on canvas, 15x15cm
Sorca O'Farrell, Secret History, pen, watercolour & charcoal on canvas, 15x15cm (private collection)
Miriam McConnon, Aged porcelain I, oil on canvas, 15x15cm (private collection)
Miriam McConnon, Aged porcelain II, oil on canvas, 15x15cm (private collection)
Bart O'Reilly, Different Drops, acrylic on raw canvas, 15x15cm (framed)
Jaki Coffey, Quarter past three: afterschool pool, crayon & ink on canvas, 15x15cm (private collection)
Mary Moorkens, Wish Twins, hand-stitched textile art on fabric dyed with leaves and flowers, antique portrait postcard printed onto cotton, antique lace, 15x15cm (private collection)
Mary Moorkens, 15 stems, 15 blooms, not enough bees, hand-stitched textile art on fabric dyed with leaves, tea and rust, scrap of 18th century handwoven linen, dyed silk carrier rod (private collection)
Desmond Kenny, Bozule, mixed media on canvas, 15x15cm
Desmond Kenny, Absolm, mixed media on canvas, 15x15cm
Cecilia Moore, 15.15, bronze, nickel & copper, 15x15cm (private collection)
Nickie Hayden, Angel, oil on canvas, 15x15cm (private collection)
Nickie Hayden, Secret Angel, oil on canvas, 15x15cm (private collection)
Nickie Hayden, Hidden Light, oil on canvas, 15x15cm (private collection)
Myra Jago, 'A corner of the world', oil on canvas, 15x15c= (private collection)
Vicky Smith, 'Wildflower', acrylic on canvas, 15x15cm
Maggie Wright, Time remembered, oil on canvas, 15x15cm (private collection)
Maggie Wright, Parallel realities, oil on canvas, 15x15cm (private collection)
Annika Berglund, A Change of View Point I, Merino wool, silk and viscose fibers with gold, silver and cotton thread embroidery, wet felted and stitched (triptych, 15x15cm x3)
Annika Berglund, A Change of View Point 2, Merino wool, silk and viscose fibers with gold, silver and cotton thread embroidery, wet felted and stitched, 15x15cm (private collection)
David Fox, Ballycowen Castle, oil on board, 15x15cm
David Fox, Srah Castle, oil on board, 15x15cm
Mary A. Fitzgerald, Gifts, acrylic on canvas, 15x15cm
Mary A. Fitzgerald, Holding up the World, acrylic on canvas, 15x15cm (private collection)
Alan Keane, 15 Jelly Babies, oil on canvas, 15x15cm
Alan Keane, 15 All Sorts, oil on canvas, 15x15cm (private collection)
Padhraig Nolan, Kilbogget Square 1, acrylic on canvas, 15x15cm
Padhraig Nolan, Kilbogget Square 2, acrylic on canvas, 15x15cm
Colin Eaton, 15x15sq, papercut collage, mixed media, 15x15cm
Colin Eaton, Datum_001515, papercut collage, mixed media, 15x15cm (private collection)
Colin Eaton, Epistylium, papercut collage, mixed media, 15x15cm
Colin Eaton, Graphein, papercut collage, mixed media, 15x15cm
Mo Roantree, Margaret Ball born 1515 “Born to blush unseen”, tempera & dye on canvas, 15x15cm
Luca Mc Aleese, Forfeiture, charcoal on canvas, 15x15cm