2°c, VUE Art Fair 2017

'2° C', a group show on climate change

'2° C' is an artists' response to climate change, curated by Olivier Cornet with the support of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Ireland

First Presented at VUE Contemporary Art Fair (RHA Dublin) in early November 2017, the show runs at the Olivier Cornet Gallery from 17th December 2017 to 20th March 2018. The exhibition at the gallery will feature more work than in its initial presentation at VUE.

The exhibition also features works by our AGA members, namely, AISLING CONROY, DAVID FOX, PAUL JAMES KEARNEY, SHEILA NAUGHTON, and VICKY SMITH.

Official opening: Sunday, 17th December, 3pm, Olivier Cornet Gallery, 3 Great Denmark Street, Dublin 1

Guest Speaker: Dr Jonathan Derham BSc, PhD, MA(Mgt), Programme Manager, Evidence & Assessment Programme, Environmental Protection Agency, (EPA), Ireland.


"Olivier Cornet has a knack for curating good thematic shows, allowing artists to affiliate their work to a subject – in this case climate change – without distorting their customary practices. Here he elicits thoughtful, nuanced responses from a number of fine artists including Jordi Fornies, Claire Halpin, Eoin Mac Lochlainn, Yanny Petters, Freda Rupp, Aisling Conroy, Vicky Smith and more."

Aidan Dunne, 'The Take, Critic's Choice', The Ticket, The Irish Times, Saturday, 16th December 2017. Also published online in 'The Best Exhibitions This week' on 15th December 2017. Thanking Aidan Dunne and The Irish Times for this great review.
On the 13th of December 2017, we were very pleased to hear that Professor Gerry Kearns, Human Geography, Department of Geography, National University of Ireland Maynooth, Kildare had used our exhibition '2° C' to give the final lecture to the students in the second-year Maynooth Geography class on Global Environmental Change.

The author, journalist, lecturer and cultural/environmental tour guide Paddy Woodworth reviewed the exhibition in the Outdoors section of the Irish Times' Weekend Review (page 7, Saturday 17 March 2018), following his participation in our WHAT on EARTH has ART got to Do with CLIMATE CHANGE? panel discussion at the gallery on 7th March 2018. The article was titled What has art to do with climate change? The panel discussion at the gallery was filmed by the very talented Mike Coyne. You can watch it on our FILMS page.

The exhibition was also mentioned in the excellent 2019 report "Engaging the Public on Climate Change through the Cultural and Creative Sectors" undertaken by MCO Projects on behalf of the Creative Ireland Programme Office (published December 2019)

Some of the exhibits are still available for purchase, loan or touring in other venues in Ireland and abroad. Please contact us at info@oliviercornetgallery.com for more details.
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