Hugh Cummins, 'Thinking beyond the bag’, sycamore and walnut, 37x20.7x11cm
Hugh Cummins, 'Thinking beyond the bag’ (detail), sycamore and walnut, 37x20.7x11cm
Hugh Cummins, ‘Falling Rain' (installation shot at VUE Art Fair 2017, RHA Dublin), sixteen rain drops using a variety of laminated wood veneers (11-15.5x9x6.3 cm). .
Hugh Cummins, ‘Falling Rain' (different layout), sixteen rain drops using a variety of laminated wood veneers (11-15.5x9x6.3 cm).
Claire Halpin, 'Deep Water horizon III’, acrylic on found metal sign
Miriam McConnon, 'Wounded leaf I’, oil on canvas (18x24cm)
Yanny Petters, ‘Wall Barley Hordeum murinum’ (family: Poaceae
related to barley, common reed, bamboo, wild rice, wheat, oats), monotype nature print & verre églomisé, 34x24cm
Yanny Petters, 'Common Bird's-foot Trefoil Lotus corniculatus’ (family: Fabaceae related to peas, beans, lentil, soya, peanut, Leguminos plants), monotype nature print & verre églomisé, 34x24cm
Yanny Petters, 'Charlock Sinapis arvensis' (family: Brassicaceae
related to cabbage, kale, cauliflower, broccoli, turnip, kohlrabi),monotype nature print & verre églomisé, 34x24cm
Yanny Petters, ‘Wild Carrot Daucus carota’ (family: Apiaceae
related to carrot, celery, coriander, fennel, parsnip, caraway),monotype nature print & verre églomisé, 34x24cm, private collection
Eoin Mac Lochlainn, 'Blue Jelly Fish', watercolour on paper, 65x51cm
Sheila Naughton, 'Strange Light’, acrylic, gouache and watercolour on paper on board (20x13cm)
Kelly Ratchford, 'The Last Flower’, acrylic, spray paint, ink on wood panel (35x25cm)
Kelly Ratchford, 'The Last Donkey’, acrylic, spray paint, ink on wood panel (35x25cm)
Annika Berglund, 'Storm’, Visible Sign series, bronze (11x11x4cm) edition 1/1. Installation shot at VUE Art Fair 2017. Part of a series of 3 bronzes depicting storm, drought and flood. The Visible Sign series is also available in glass, porcelain and stoneware.