Yanny Petters, 'In the raised bed', Great Mullein, Fennel, Toadflax, verre églomisé, 21cmx8.5cmx4mm (each), corporate collection
Yanny Petters, 'The pea family', Bush Vetch, Meadow Vetchling, Tufted Vetch, verre églomisé, 21cmx8.5cmx4mm (each), corporate collection
Yanny Petters, 'Wild edges again', Feverfew, St. John's Wort, Wood Avens, verre églomisé, 21cmx8.5cmx4mm (each), corporate collection
Yanny Petters, 'In the vegetable patch', Scarlet Pimpernel, Forget me not, Wild Sorrel, verre églomisé, 21cmx8.5cmx4mm (each), private collection
Yanny Petters, 'Early Spring around the garden', Snow Drop, Lesser Celandine, Ivy, verre églomisé, 21cmx8.5cmx4mm (each), private collection
Yanny Petters, 'Early Spring down by the hedge', Stitchwort, Wild Garlic, Chickweed, verre églomisé, 21cmx8.5cmx4mm (each), private collection
Yanny Petters, 'Three trees', Blackthorn, Rowan, Hawthorn, verre églomisé, 21cmx8.5cmx4mm (each), collection of the Shirley Sherwood Gallery of Botanical Art, Kew, London (UK)
Yanny Petters, 'Down by the pond', Flag Iris, Irish Spurge, Marsh Marigold, verre églomisé, 21cmx8.5cmx4mm (each), private collection
Yanny Petters, 'Woodland in spring', Bluebells, Lords & Ladies, Periwinkle, verre églomisé, 21cmx8.5cmx4mm (each), private collection
Yanny Petters, 'Spring in the meadow', Lady's Smock, Ribwort Plantain, Early Purple Orchid, verre églomisé, 21cmx8.5cmx4mm (each), private collection
Yanny Petters, 'For the bees', Dandelion, Daisy, Dog Violet, verre églomisé, 21cmx8.5cmx4mm (each), private collection
Yanny Petters, 'Sweet scent', Primrose, Winter Heliotrope, Cowslip, verre églomisé, 21cmx8.5cmx4mm (each), private collection
Yanny Petters, 'Summer meadow', Creeping Buttercup, Oxeye Daisy, Ragwort, verre églomisé, 21cmx8.5cmx4mm (each), private collection
Yanny Petters, 'Wild Edges', Irish Hog Weed, Broad-Leaved Dock, Nettle, verre églomisé, 21cmx8.5cmx4mm (each), private collection
Yanny Petters, 'Herbs gone wild', Marjoram, Sweet Cecily, Salad Burnett, verre églomisé, 21cmx8.5cmx4mm (each), private collection
Yanny Petters, 'For bumble bees', Red Clover, White Clover, Black Medick, verre églomisé, 21cmx8.5cmx4mm (each), private collection
Yanny Petters, 'In the hedgerow', Foxglove, Bind Weed, Spindle, verre églomisé, 21cmx8.5cmx4mm (each), private collection
Yanny Petters, 'By the vegetable patch', Rosebay Willowherb, Borage, Broadleaved Willowherb, verre églomisé, 21cmx8.5cmx4mm (each), collection of the Shirley Sherwood Gallery of Botanical Art, Kew, London (UK)
Yanny Petters, 'In the meadow', Germander Speedwell, Pyramidal Orchid, Self Heal, verre églomisé, 21cmx8.5cmx4mm (each), private collection
Yanny Petters, 'The Rose family', Bramble, Dog Rose, Wild Strawberry, verre églomisé, 21cmx8.5cmx4mm (each), private collection
Yanny Petters, 'By the trough', Lady's Mantle, St Patrick's Cabbage, Common Poppy, verre églomisé, 21cmx8.5cmx4mm (each), private collection
Yanny Petters, 'On stoney ground', Tutsan, Wood Ruff, Bugle, verre églomisé, 21cmx8.5cmx4mm (each), private collection
Yanny Petters, 'In the vegetable patch', Fumitory, Herb Robert, Red Campion, verre églomisé, 21cmx8.5cmx4mm (each), private collection
Yanny Petters, 'On sandy ground', Field Pansy, Common Century, Yellow Rattle, verre églomisé, 21cmx8.5cmx4mm (each), private collection
Yanny Petters, 'Finches like these', Burdock, Teasel, Spear Thistle, verre églomisé, 21cmx8.5cmx4mm (each), private collection
'Field of Vision', Common Spotted Orchid, verre églomisé on convex glass, 46x46x1.5cm, private collection
'Field of Vision', Knapweed, verre églomisé on convex glass, 46x46x1.5cm, private collection
'Field of Vision', Pyramidal Orchid, verre églomisé on convex glass, 46x46x1.5cm, OPW State Art Collection
'Hand Fan for Habitats II’, wood and verre églomisé, 37x62cm, private collection. Another 'Hand fan for Habitats' is in the collection of the National Museum of Ireland
Real-life view of the work. Each set of 3 slides is mounted on a wooden bracket that can be easily affixed against any wall, casting wonderful subtle shadows thanks to the gilding at the back of the glass.