Official opening: Tuesday 3rd September 2013 - 7pm at Smock Alley Theatre
(Banquet Hall),
6/7 Exchange Street Lower, Temple Bar, Dublin 8.
Guest Speaker: Ciarán MacGonigal, Arts Commentator & Cultural Strategist.
A catalogue with an introduction by the Fine art critic and author Robert O’Byrne, and an essay by Óscar Carrascosa, Fine art critic and curator of the show, will be available.
'The Conditioned Landscape' is a show curated by Óscar Carrascosa which will be exhibited in various museums in Spain.
A special preview of the works, organised in collaboration with the Olivier Cornet Gallery and assembled for the occasion under the title 'Natural Resemblances' will take place in the Banquet Hall of Smock Alley Theatre from Sept 1 to Sept 7. The paintings will then travel to Spain for a series of solo shows starting at the Museu d'Art Modern de Tarragona
in October 2013, followed by the Museo del Carmen
(part of the Museo de Bellas Artes de Valencia) in January 2014, and the CDAN Centro de Arte y Naturaleza, Fundación Beulas, Huesca (Spain) in April. Some of the works are still available for purchase.
All paintings are 120 x 120 x 4 cm and on coton canvas (titled, signed and dated on verso)
'The place you hide', oil, mineral pigments, gesso, enamel, resin, charcoal, ink