As part of phase 1 of her collaborative art project Lost Lace, Olivier Cornet Gallery artist Miriam McConnon invites the people of Ireland who have lost loved ones to covid 19 to write a message on the website
The messages will be the inspiration for a series of poems to be written by the poet Jessica Traynor alongside Miriam McConnon's installation Lost Lace at Iveagh Gardens in October 2022.
Messages can be submitted until 31 August.
Through a press release sent out on 15 May 2022, we have now invited the Irish media, Dublin-based embassies, sports clubs and various support organisations to help us share the information that people living on the island of Ireland who have lost dear ones to covid 19, can now share their story of loss with Lost Lace: a visual art and poetry commemoration to the lives lost to covid 19.
Members of the public can indeed share a few words about their loved one in ‘Share your story of loss’ on from 1st May 2022 to 31st August 2022.
The words of loss that are shared on the website will provide inspiration for the poet Jessica Traynor to compose four poems to commemorate the lives of loved ones who have died from covid 19 in Ireland and Northern Ireland. The recital of the poems and the launch of the outdoor installation Lost Lace by visual artist Miriam Mc Connon will take place in October 2022 at Iveagh Gardens, Dublin.
Click here to download an image of the poster which you can then share/distribute electronically and/or display on your organization's notice board for instance to reach as many people as possible.
Please let me know if you belong to an organisation that did not receive the press release and would like to receive one.
You can also follow this project on social media: Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.
Thank you
Olivier Cornet
PR officer on the Lost Lace Project